Communion Assistants
There is always a need for Communion Servers for each 5:30 p.m. Saturday and 10:15 a.m. Sunday Service. Baptized members help Pastor Kenyon distribute the bread and the wine. Communion is generally served by intinction (wafer dipped into wine). Communion assistants are scheduled to serve on a rotating basis with your name coming up about once a month. The schedule is prepared by the church secretary and posted in the monthly Messenger.
Our invitation to the Lord’s Table which is printed each Sunday in the bulletin states, “(we) believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in forms of bread and wine”. What an honor and privilege it is for Communion Assistants to be the very hands that serve our Master’s body and blood, to bless another Christ-follower with assurance of His never failing love, and to pass along the knowledge that we are forever totally forgiven indeed.
“If you choose to help in this way, you probably will find what we have: that times of serving the Lord’s Supper are among the times we feel closest to my Savior. It isn’t really’s mostly a joyful celebration.” Gary and Jan Morse
“It is an honor to don the robe, approach the altar and humbly present the gift of forgiveness through bread and wine as Jesus taught us to do.” Stacy Newell
For additional information, please contact the church office at 815-223-1144