Food Pantry/Blessing Box
Food Pantry is the 3rd Sunday of each month. Members are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items and place them in the baskets in the narthex located near the Sunday School wing entrance. Monetary donations are also accepted and may be placed in the locked box above the food pantry baskets. At Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, the Food Pantry sends a list of specific items that are needed for their holiday baskets. Members deliver the food to the Illinois Valley Food Pantry. Our treasurer sends a check to the Food Pantry for the monetary donations. For additional information, please contact the church office at 815-223-1144
Blessing Box donations are welcome at any time. Some suggestions for donations – individual pasta meals, soup, applesauce, fruit cups, jello, tuna kits, instant potatoes, snack crackers. Donations may be placed directly into the Blessing Box, in the box near the Sunday school entrance or left in the church office. Monetary donations are also accepted. The fourth Sunday of each month is designated as "Blessing Box Sunday".